Mindfulness Course

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Training manual cover.png

Mindfulness Course

Sale Price:£3,700.00 Original Price:£4,000.00

London-based Mindfulness Training straight to your office. Mindfulness is a brain training technique that enhances focused attention and concentration.

I Want This!

The Mindful Workplace Training Programme

Looking for enhanced productivity and team building skills within your workforce? Introducing a contemplative workplace culture is the next logical step towards corporate social responsibility. Fresh Perception is passionate about enabling the corporate world to realising a happier, healthier, productive, and a powerful workplace environment. Our immersive Mindfulness for Work training programmes tick that box and many more...

Researched benefits have been found to:

✔ Help employees develop positive strategies for dealing with highly stressful environments and work pressures.

✔ Achieve a work-life balance and maintain resilience both work and home.

✔ Enable employees to deal better with complexities (such as difficult decisions).

✔ Enhance employee self-regulation of thought, emotions, and behaviours that make them more resilient in the face of challenges.

✔ Improve task performance, creativity and productivity.


Our Programmes encompass:

Improved Resilience                                       Creativity and Innovation Development              Visible Happiness

Improved Employee Management                Enhanced Problem Solving Skills                        Improved Group Cohesiveness

Improved Self-Management                          Productivity Enhancement                                   More Adaptable

Improved Emotional Intelligence                   Enhanced Decision Making Skills                       Rapid ability to enter 'Flow'

Improved Leadership Skills                            Enhanced Focus & Concentration                       Prolonged state of 'Flow'

Improved Interpersonal Skills                        Ability to See the Bigger Picture                          Tapping into your hidden Genius


What to Expect?

What is unique about our custom-designed training programme is that we combine the principals of mindfulness with practical applications relevant to your work-based requirements. All you need is the time for an initial consultation to identify your learning objectives and expectations, a quiet room in your office, a willing team of employees, and (not essential but useful) a projector and flipchart.  Each participant will receive a Training Manual, an audio guided meditation pack, a specialised gift set, and a Certificate of Completion*.  

This intensive training options built off the bones of the MBSR and MBCT core curriculum.

The eight-week programme is held weekly, in two hour sessions (or four hours held fortnightly) covers eight themes:

Session One: The Magic of Awareness – Raising awareness to the hazards of automatic pilot, discovering the productive benefits of mindful-tasking vs. multi-tasking.   – Raising awareness to the hazards of automatic pilot, discovering the productive benefits of mindful-tasking vs. multi-tasking.  

Session Two: Building Resilience – Building the characteristics of a resilient employee.– Building the characteristics of a resilient employee.

Session Three: Finding Balance – Techniques to finding work-life balance and transitioning between work life demands and home life demands.– Techniques to finding work-life balance and transitioning between work life demands and home life demands.

Session Four: Recognising Your Stress Triggers – Learning how to spot the signs of good stress, making it work for you, and bad stress, how to manage it.

Session Five: Working with Change – Techniques for conflict resolution, mindful communication, and imparting change processes at work.

Session Six: Thoughts are Not Facts – Getting to know the nature of your mind and training it to work for you rather than against you.

Session Seven: The Art of Knowing – Learning to reconnect and trust your ‘gut instinct’ and how to make difficult decisions.

Session Eight: The Secret Key – Understanding how the power of acceptance relieves us of our distress

*As Fresh Perception teachers follow the Good Practice Guidelines for the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teachers, this certificate will provide students with the opportunity to train as mindfulness teachers if they so wish.